The New AirSense 11 is actually a beast. Here’s what you need to know about Air11 if you’re looking for it in China
The newest star in Resmed’s CPAP catalogue is here aiming to change the the sleep apnea game. The all shiny AirSense 11 Autoset, or Air11, comes packing significant features and benefits poised to make it the best-selling CPAP machine in China, overshadowing even the legendary AirSense 10. This white-and-black masterpiece of an auto CPAP is now available for purchase from CPAPeuropa, with expedited delivery to China, so now we’ll provide an in-depth review of the newest Resmed CPAP on the market. So if you’re looking for the AirSense 11 in China and want to learn more about Air11 before purchasing it, this short guide will hopefully help you decide whether to invest in it or not.
The AirSense 11 is actually 3 CPAP machines in one
The AirSense 11 not only a CPAP machine but much more. It fact, it is 3 CPAPs in one. First, there is the ResMed Auto Titrating CPAP algorithm, then the fixed-CPAP mode, and to top it all — the CPAP for Her (previously featured in a separate machine “for Her”). That means that the Air11 is suitable for both men and women with sleep apnea as it supports therapeutical pressures tailored for both Chinese ladies and gentlemen.
What’s new in the newest CPAP machine by ResMed?
Apart from the brand new look, which sets it apart from anything else on the CPAP market today, the Resmed AirSense comes to offer other significant novelties to our Canadian customers. Among the most important features of the newest CPAP device by the Canadian leader in sleep apnea treatment equipment are:
- A full color touchscreen with easy navigation at patient level. Navigating through the menu and settings has never been easier;
- Wireless communication with ResMed servers and MyAir where your sleep apnea therapist and you can both keep track of your therapy along the way . Not a surprising feature, having in mind that one of ResMed’s main goals apart from providing the means of treating Obstructive or Central Sleep Apnea has been therapy compliance. The Air11 communicates therapy data without hassle, and upgrades the software so that your machine is always up to date;
- A tinier CPAP with a tinier footprint on your nightstand. The AirSense 11 is about 25% smaller than the bestselling AirSense 10 Auto, which means that you can not only enjoy a smaller, quieter unit, but also more space in your nightstand. What’s more, the tinier proportions mean that carrying your CPAP with you while travelling will also be easier that with the AirSense 11. Coming with its own, stylish carry bag the Air11 is rather discreet, portable and yes – FAA approved.
Is the AirSense 11 in stock in China?
Yes. We are an authorized ResMed CPAP shop delivering to Europe particularly, but also to China. CPAP machines are available for purchase and delivery to China at CPAPEUROPA.COM. We service the entire country and offer brand new CPAP, BiPAP and even VPAP machines.
What do the reviews say about AirSense 11?

So far reviews of the new AirSense 11 have been positive, with customers noting several specific benefits and features that set the Air11 apart from the crowd, including:
- Sleek, eye-catching design
- Integrated cellular communication with AirView
- Simple Start/Stop function
- Easy-to-use touchscreen with simplified controls for the patient
- In-depth Clinical Menu designed for sleep technicians and respiratory therapists
- Integrated heated humidifier
- Quiet operation (on a par with the ultra-quiet AirSense 10)
The brand new ResMed Airsense 11 Auto CPAP machine is now available in China!
What is a CPAP machine?
A CPAP machine is an electrically-operated medical device that delivers air to the lungs during sleep. Abbreviated from a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), these specialized devices are most often prescribed for treating sleep apnea disorders. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) causes interruptions in the patient’s your breathing, and it is most often caused by a collapse of the soft tissues in the throat or airways, temporarily blocking the sleeper’s breathing.
Sleep apnea (apnoea) is a dangerous condition that requires specialized treatment.
How does a CPAP machine operate?
A CPAP machine is designed to send a steady flow of pressurized air into your airways, thus preventing tissue collapse breathing cessation. The machine delivers the air either from the mouth or the nose, keeping your airways always open while you sleep and helping you breathe normally without suffocating.
What types of CPAP machines can you purchase in China
There three main types of CPAP devices that can be ordered and delivered with expedited shipping by CPAPeuropa to China:
- Standard CPAP machines;
- Automatic CPAP machines (auto CPAP);
- Travel CPAP machines (or portable).
Automatic CPAP machines are the most popular ones as their algorithm allows for automated air pressure delivery that addresses all forms of apnea. Standard CPAP cannot auto-regulate the pressure and hence need to be preset for your prescribed sleep apnea therapy. Travel CPAPs, as their name suggests, are easily moveable units, light and compact, that can be taken anywhere with the patient (mostly used for traveling without discontinuing your OSA therapy).
How to choose the right CPAP machine for your needs?
You don’t. Your doctor should be the one to choose the best machine for your therapy based on your kind of sleep apnea and the pressure that works best for you. You need a prescription from a doctor to get a CPAP device in China, so a primary care provider, somnologists or pulmonologist should be the one to recommend a specific kind of CPAP machine, either standard, automatic or BiPAP.
If you have already been prescribed sleep apnea therapy at a specific setting and pressure range, and hence you know what kind of CPAP machine you need, then it’s easy — you just purchase the required CPAP device here:
It is most likely that you need an automatic CPAP (auto CPAP) as they fit all prescribed pressures and ramps.
Probably the best Auto CPAP in 2022
The newest addition to ResMed’s AirSense™ series is now here! Introducing the ResMed AirSense™11 AutoSet™ — a premium auto-adjusting pressure device with integrated heated humidifier, wireless connectivity, advanced event detection and patient support features. Now available for purchase with Fast Shipping anywhere in Europe!
AirSense 11 is equipped with enhanced digital health technology designed to make starting, acclimating and adhering to therapy easier and more convenient for your patients. It combines our trusted therapy modes with digital support features designed to simplify equipment setup and therapy acclimation and provide tailored support and coaching to help them self-resolve common therapy issues.
The device includes both the AutoSet and AutoSet for Her algorithms, which are among the most clinically published in the field of sleep-disordered breathing. It works to automatically adjust to each patient’s therapy pressure as their needs change – hourly, nightly and from season to season – to deliver the patient’s ideal lowest therapy pressure.
And if you’re looking for the classic AirSense 10,
we are loaded with brand new 10s, too!
ResMed AirSense introduces a new standard in sleep apnea treatment. One of the most popular CPAP devices in the market, the AutoSet is a smart, self-adjusting machine of unrivaled quality and performance. AirSense 10 AutoSet is engineered to automatically adjust the air pressure levels reaching your mask, covering your changing needs during the different stages of your treatment. This best-selling automatic CPAP device delivers comfort and personalized pressure at the lowest possible level.
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Hopefully, this AirSense 11 China guide was useful and has helped you decide whether or not to purchase the Air11 or stick with your current CPAP machine. If not, and you’re still not sure if the Air11 is right for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask. We are here to help!
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