As of Monday, Algérie reimposed the restrictions on gatherings in effort to stem the spread of the more contagious Delta COVID-19 variant, after a drastic increase in infected with coronavirus patients.
The anti-gathering measure applies to 35 out of 58 Algerian provinces, and it also includes the closing of gyms, beaches, used car markets and even wedding ceremonies.
In addition to that, Algiers imposed an 8 p.m.-6 a.m. curfew as of Monday.
According to official data posted by the Pasteur Institute in Algeria, the more infectious Delta variant, which originated in India is to blame for more than 70% of the total infections for the months of July.
Oxygen concentrators in Agerie
Having in mind that Algeria is currently in a coronavirus crisis due to Delta variant, it is natural that private citizens, charities and hospitals start looking for designated medical equipment to address the spread of the Delta across the population. When hospital beds and respirators become a sever shortage — as it is the case in many European and Asian countries like Tunis, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh,. etc. — a rising need for oxygen concentrators arises. Algerie is currently suffering a shortage of home oxygen machines and many people search the market for these machines, which are by default designed to provide oxygen to severe respiratory conditions like COPD, asthma and pneumonia caused by COVID-19.
But what exactly is an oxygen concentrator and do you need such a medical device at home?
So what is an oxygen concentrator? Is it available for purchase in Algerie or do you have to seek other markets, like the European, to obtain one in your home country? Let’s first answer the first question: what is this device?
An oxygen concentrator (also referred to as a home oxygen machine or O2 machine) is a medical grade device that made to provide the patient with pure, medical-grade oxygen through an oxygen mask. Unlike oxygen bottles–which try to do the same, but, in the end, run out of oxygen and need refilling–oxygen concentrators produce pure oxygen from the surrounding air, converting the room’s air into highly-concentrated oxygen molecules. This is exactly why these devices step forward into the fight against the coronavirus — because the pneumonia that ensues in the severe cases is treated with — among other things, like heavy antibiotics — high doses of oxygen. NOTE: An oxygen cannot deliver as high a dosage as a high-flow hospital respirator (ventilator), but it still manages to provide high concentration (93-95%) of oxygen to the patient who needs it.
An example of a high-debit (10 LPM) Oxygen Concentrator by DeVilbiss Healthcare, model 1025.
Can you buy an oxygen concentrator machine in Algeria?
Yes. As long as the Algerian local oxygen stores have stock, you can purchase an oxygen concentrator there. The problem is the rapidly decreasing (maybe already depleted) stock of home oxygen machines in Algeria. The other problem is cheap Chinese-made units sold universally online. These so-called “ogygen concentrators” are far away from what a true oxygen concentrator should be. But this is a topic of another article.
So if you want to buy an oxygen concentrator for a patient in Algerie, you practically have three main options:
Option 1: Purchase a brand new O2 machine from a local store (if the stock has not already depleted).
Option 2: Find a used machine online, but BE CAREFUL: MAKE SURE to replace the filters and accessories before using it at home! A contaminated filter or a nasal cannula can spread viruses from patient to patient!
Option 3: Buy a brand new oxygen concentrator from a licensed European store. Here’s the main reasons why sometimes this is the best choice:
- European oxygen stores have large quantities of medical-grade oxygen machines and many models to choose from, too (5 LPM, 6 LPM, 10 LPM, etc.)
- Delivery from Europe to Algeria is not going to take as long as it would be the case if you purchase an O2 machine from the US or Asia, for example.
- Delivery cost will be cheaper from Europe as the continent is closer to Algeria.\
- Most trusted European oxygen stores (like CPAPEuropa) do NOT sell Chinese-made units and carry only proven European and American brands with decades of solid track record in the manufacture of respiratory equipment.
Why choose CPAPEuropa instead of another big oxygen store in Europe?
CPAPEuorop.com has been specializing in Continuous Positive Airway Pressure equipment and oxygen therapy devices for nearly 10 yeas. The store not only supplies continental Europe, but also the nearby African countries, like Algérie. We deliver oxygen concentrators to the capital Algiers and the rest of the country, even in the light of the current severe situation with the coronavirus in the Algeria.
An example of a 5 LPM (litre per minute of pure oxygen) Oxygen Concentrator by Philips Respironics, USA.
To request a quote for bulk orders, please contact us at [email protected] or give us a call +4930 209 931 898.
“Pasteur Institute: 7 new cases of “Delta” variant discovered in Algiers. Web. 27 July 2021. https://www.entv.dz/pasteur-institute-7-new-cases-of-delta-variant-discovered-in-algiers/
“Covid-19: 6000 oxygen concentrators to be received soon”. Web. 27 July 2021. https://www.aps.dz/en/health-science-technology/40240-covid-19-algeria-receives-first-batch-of-1050-oxygen-concentrators