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Nox T3s HST System

Original price was: € 6,600.00.Current price is: € 5,900.00. SKU: 71691-T3S

Introducing the the next generation Sleep Testing diagnostic device by NOX Medical — the new innovative and powerful Type III Polysomnograph – T3s

The T3s is the most advanced portable Home Sleep Testing diagnostic device to date. Based on the popular Nox T3 that virtually set the standard for HST, the Nox T3s sleep study device is the more advanced and refined polysomnograph currently on the market.


  • Nox BodySleep™ sleep time estimation from HST using breathing parameters
  • Refined Nox RIP technology can be used as a primary flow measurement
  • Improved Bluetooth technology extending the battery life for multiple night studies
  • Built-in sensors for snoring, EKG, EMG & EEG
  • Cutting Edge analysis in Noxturnal Software empowered by artificial intelligence

The Nox T3s portable sleep lab system was designed keeping the patient in mind. The focus is on patient comfort, as well as the size and weight of the device to be ergonomic.

Available at CPAPeuropa until our stock lasts.

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Introducing the NOX T3s HST
The next generation Nox Medical: Sleep Diagnostics Device


The Next Generation HST Sleep Monitor is now available at CPAP store Europa, official distributor of NOX Medical products for Europe. The latest gen HST sleep monitor T3s brings many innovative features such as the Nox RIP Technology with 200Hz sampling frequency and a new Bluetooth® platform, BLE 5.0, facilitating lower energy consumption and much more.




• Nox BodySleep™ sleep time estimation from HST using breathing parameters;

• Refined Nox RIP technology can be used as a primary flow measurement;

• Improved Bluetooth technology extending the battery life for multiple night studies;

• Built-in sensors for snoring, EKG, EMG & EEG;

• Cutting Edge analysis in Noxturnal Software empowered by artificial intelligence.


Nox T3s HST (Nox Medical Sleep Diagnostics Device) patient at home - cpap store europa


Nox T3S BodySleep Artificial Intelligence (AI)


The T3s sleep lab system features a powerful AI capable of differentiating 30·second epochs into the REM and NREM sleep states, and Wakefulness.


What’s more, the Nox T3s BodySleep technology evaluates and analyses sleep states by processing respiratory data through advanced algorithms utilizing Nox calibrated RIP technology.


The physiological basis of how and why The Nox BodySleep is capable of distinguishing sleep states is due to the use of the Nox RIP belts accurately measuring the patient’s respiratory movements.


Nox T3s HST (Nox Medical: Sleep Diagnostics Device) - sleep technician analysing patient results


What is the Nox RIP Technology?

The Nox BodySleep smart sleep technology utilizes the unique design of the NOX belts, sensitive and highly technical inductance plethysmography sensors fastened with thoughtfully designed
clips to ensure the belts remain attached to the T3s throughout the night.



The carefully calibrated RIP flow derives the signal from the RIP belts. This carefully calibrated RIP Flow signal channel can then be used an alternative flow signal in cases where the cannula signal was lost during sleep, or the patient was unable to tolerate the cannula.


Nox T3s HST (Nox Medical Sleep Diagnostics Device) Body Sleep Algorithm


Does not require additional EEG, EOG, or EMG

The NOX T3s does not require traditional EEG, EOG and EMG signals typically used to determine changes in brain state during sleep stages. Instead, the algorithm interprets the physiological changes that coincide with changes in the brain, measured with Nox RIP technology and actigraphy.


Nox T3s BodySleep Report Т3s Polysomnography Device


Multiple nights recording capacity

The Nox T3s comes with 4GB storage capacity compared to 1GB for the Nox T3. The extra GB storage capacity allows the same patient to be evaluated for several nights back to back. The capability of recording more than 1 night allows sleep specialists to collect much more precise sleep data while minimizing the patient’s night-to-night sleep variability.


NOX T3s Technical features


  • The Nox RIP· 200Hz Sampling Frequency
  • Bluetooth® BLE 5.04GB Storage Capacity
  • 68 g ± S g (without battery)
  • Compact size – 68 mm W, 62 mm H, 26 mm D
  • USB·C24 hour recording time with lx AA Battery
  • 2 Integrated High-Resolution Bipolar Channels
  • Integrated Microphone Pressure Sensor
  • Tamper Proof Battery Lid

Full Technical Specifications

Signal Specifications


  • Available signals: Thorax and Abdomen RIP, Nasal pressure / Masks pressure, Snore Signal, Audio and snoring channel, 2 bipolar channels, Position, Activity, SpO2, pulse, plethysmography, and more
  • Bipolar channels: touch-proof connector 1 mm keyhole connector, ±1024 mVp-p input range AC, <3 uV RMS noise
  • Flow/ Pressure signal: ±100 cmH2O input pressure range, DC-80Hz, 200Hz sampling frequency, <1 mmH2O noise
  • Activity / Position Signals: 8kHz sampling range, 3.5kHz bandwith, 16-bit ADC
  • Wireless Interface: Bluetooth V5.0 Low Energy – wireless interface for external devices


Performance Specifications


  • Storage capacity: 4GB
  • Recording Tie: 24 Hours with 1xAA Battery (new Lithium battery)
  • PC Communications: USB 2.0 high-speed


Physical Specifications


  • Power Source: One 1.5V AA battery during recording; Host PC USB during date download
  • Battery Type: Alkaine primary , Lithium primary, nickel-metal hybride rechargable (NiMH)
  • Battery Cover: Tamper proof and locked
  • Device Dimension: 68 mm W x 62 mm H x 26 mm D
  • Weight: 68g ± 5 g without battery
  • Display: Type OLED – Dimensions 19 x 35 mm, resolution 128 x 64 dots
  • USB 2.0 Connection: USB-Mini type C


Minimum PC Requirements:

  • Windows 8 and higher
  • Processor: X64 based Intel or AMD 1.7 GHz or faster
  • 2 GB RAM, 4 GB of free disk space
  • Resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher



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