Nox T3 Portable Sleep Monitor
€ 5,145.00 SKU: 2562NT3
The Nox T3 portable sleep monitor is one of the most reliable and popular sleep apnea diagnostic devices designed for home use. Introduced for sale in the US in 2009, the Nox T3 received FDA 510K clearance quickly became the go-to option among undiagnosed sleep apnea patients worldwide. This small yet extremely powerful and accurate monitor is ideal for both patients and the clinicians seeking to help them in diagnosing sleep apnea events in the most convenient and reliable way.
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Nox T3 Sleep Monitor
The Nox T3 Sleep Monitor has become of the most reliable and convenient portable respiratory sleep monitors device available today. The preferred choice in a wide variety of applications, including sleep apnea diagnostics, PLMS, sleep bruxism, and more, Nox T3 comes with an ergonomic design and easy operation. This monitor will save you time during the diagnostic process, ensuring better patient comfort and reduced likelihood of false alarms during home use.
- Bluetooth® technology create a wireless body area network;
- Saves time during hook-up;
- Increases patient comfort;
- Saves on cleaning costs;
- Significantly reduced possibility of failed home diagnostics;
- Built-in microphone records high quality sound;
- Play the recorded audio along with the other recorded signal;
- Provides new insights into the patient’s sleeping habits;
- Extensive signal capabilities provide detailed data for optimal diagnostics;
- Monitors abdomen and thorax respiratory efforts and derived flow (RIP Flow), nasal cannula flow and mask pressure, body position and activity, SpO2, pulse and plethysmography, and EtCO2 signal (optional);
- Two flexible bipolar channels for thermistor, ECG, EMG, EEG or pneumotachograph;
- Lightweight and compact Nox T3;
- Ideal for paediatric patients too – with tamper-proof, locked battery cover that keep children safe.
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