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Jumao Oxygen Concentrator (India): Is It Worth Your Money?


Jumao 5L Stationary Oxygen Concentrator REVIEW and Price


One of the recently become popular oxygen concentrators in India — the Jumao 5L stationary oxygen concentrator — has gathered a lot of attention among Indian buyers, especially after the recent severe spike in COVID-19 cases across the country.  Today we will provide a complete overview of what makes Jumao such a popular unit in India, listing both its pros and cons. But before we begin…

WHAT is Jumao 5L Oxygen Concentrator?

Jumao is a stationary oxygen concentrator that delivers 93% +- 3% oxygen purity in flow rate of 1 – 5 LPM (litres per minute oxygen flow to the user) according to the official manufacturer’s tech sheet. The device features a 0-5 litre / min adjustable flow function a long-life compressor covering 10 000 hours of maintenance-free use, a low-oxygen concentration alarm and a relatively lightweight design (weighing in at only 18 kg) for a stationary concentrator.


Jumao Oxygen Concentrator - India - Review and Price


The biggest pros of the Jumao oxygen concentrator its availability. Yes, availability has become a pro given the current situation in India and the widespread deficit of home O2 machines.

In addition, the Jumao oxygen concentrator comes with a mainframe, humidifier and flowmeter. This model is marketed as reliable, safe, and durable thanks to its sturdy plastic outer shell. As for its display screen, the Jumao’s shows the total elapsed working hours, so that’s definitely a neat feature. In addition, the Jumao 5 LPM packs a pressure safety valve helps, a power loss alarm function as well as a high and low pressure alarm function.


One of the main disadvantages of the Jumao is its selling price. A rather expensive unit for the Indian market, the Jumao 5 LPM can be purchased for about EUR 800 if you have luck. The unit is also not that very popular outside of China and India and many users in Europe, for example, have never even heard of it as they are used to buying German- and US-made concentrators mainly.

Jumao Oxygen Concentrator - Is it good

How much does the Jumao 5 LPM cost in India?

You can find this model offered in India for anything between ₹27,999 and ₹111482  (EUR 640 – EUR 1200), depending on the seller.



What is the Jumao oxygen concentrator’s manufacturer warranty?

The standard warranty granted by Jumao seems to be an extend 3 Year Warranty, which is a big pro. This means the manufacturer built a durable machine designed to last, and is ready to back that durability with warranty.

What accessories will I get with this O2 device?

The current Jumao version sold in India comes with accessories such as Humidifier bottle, Connection tube to the humidifier, Atomizer, Oxygen tube, Warranty Card and manual. In India, it is sold with a manufacturer warranty of 2 years and is available both new and second hand.

How about oxygen purity (density)?

Oxygen purity of the Jumao 5 LPM is also pretty good for a Chinese-made unit at 93%±3%.

Jumao Oxygen Concentrator - India - Review and Price

What the users say about the Jumao

Most users seem to like this model of oxygen concentrator, reporting satisfaction regarding its oxygen purity level and good O2 flow to the patient. A happy user of the Jumao 5 litres-per-minute oxygen concentrators says that “[it] can provide up to 7 litres of flow, although it is not advisable”. Other users report that they capped the machine at 96% oxygen purity, which, if true, is a very decent number if true).

The concentrator comes with a regular Indian plug (220v) so there won’t have to search for a travel adapter in order to use it.


Where can I use the Jumao oxygen concentrator?

This Jumao Oxygen Concentrator is a type of medical device used for delivering oxygen to patients with breathing-related disorders. Individuals whose oxygen concentration in their blood is lower than normal (for various reasons including COVID-19 lung infections) require oxygen concentrators or oxygen tanks to breathe. The Jumao 5 LPM does just that – it delivers oxygen to patients at home, in clinics, health centers, etc.

What about the tech specs of the Jumao 5 LPM?

Here are the Jumao oxygen concentrator technical specifications as per the manufacturer’s product manual.



Instrument Classification:Class II
Oxygen Density93%±3%
Sound Level≤ 52db
Flow Rate5 L\Min
Power Consumption390VA
Molecular SieveLi-X, High 13X
FilterFrance CECA molecular sieve
Housing MaterialABS
Continuous Working Time10,000 Hours
Compressor Life25,000 Hours

To which countries do we ship oxygen concentrators?

CPAPEuropa supplies oxygen concentrators to the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America. In addition to the India, we deliver with Express Shipping to Saudi Arabia, the Bengal Bay and Sri Lanka.

Looking for the absolute best in home Oxygen Concentrators? Have a look at some of the best reviewed models with a proven track record in Europe and USA. For purchases of large amount of units and more information about shipping to India, do not hesitate to ask CPAPEuropa’s staff via the online chat!

We are here to help you find the best oxygen concentrator in India according to your personal needs and budget!



Tags: jumao oxygen concentrator india review

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مركزات الأوكسجين (الإمارات العربية المتحدة): المراجعة والأسعار

Oxygen concentrators UAE مركزات الأوكسجين (الإمارات العربية المتحدة): المراجعة والأسعار

Oxygen concentrators UAE – مركزات الأوكسجين (الإمارات العربية المتحدة): المراجعة والأسعار


مع موسم الحج الفريد الذي يحدث الآن في المملكة العربية الإمارات العربية المتحدة وما زال جائحة فيروس كورونا يجتاح العالم العربي ، فمن الطبيعي أن تبدأ المستشفيات في البحث عن المعدات الطبية المصممة للتعامل مع مرض COVID-19 المستعر في جميع أنحاء غرب آسيا وشبه الجزيرة العربية. أحد هذه الأجهزة الطبية هو مُكثّف الأكسجين ، والذي تم استخدامه في جميع أنحاء العالم للمرضى الذين يعانون من أعراض SARS-CoV-2 ولكن مرض الانسداد الرئوي المزمن وأمراض الجهاز التنفسي الأخرى التي تتطلب العلاج بالأكسجين. اليوم سوف نتعمق في موضوع مكان شراء مكثف الأكسجين في المملكة العربية الإمارات العربية المتحدة ، ونقدم مراجعة موجزة لأفضل المكثفات المباعة في SB ، حيث يمكنك العثور على أفضل الأسعار وأسرع الشحن وآلات O2 المناسبة ( ثابتة أو محمولة) لمعالجة أكسجين معينة. لكن أول الأشياء أولاً

ما هو مكثف الاوكسجين؟

مُكثّف الأكسجين (يُشار إليه أيضًا باسم آلة الأكسجين المنزلية أو آلة O2) هو جهاز مصمم لتزويد المريض بأكسجين نقي من الدرجة الطبية من خلال قناع أكسجين متصل بالوجه. على عكس زجاجات الأكسجين – التي تحاول أن تفعل الشيء نفسه ، ولكن في النهاية ، ينفد الأكسجين وتحتاج إلى إعادة التعبئة – تنتج مكثفات الأكسجين الأكسجين النقي من الهواء المحيط – وتحول الهواء في الغرفة إلى جزيئات O2 نقية للتنفس


.للحصول على معلومات حول أسعار الطلبات الجماعية ، اتصل بالرقم 493020931898+  أو ابدأ التسوق عبر الإنترنت

كم عدد أنواع مكثفات الأكسجين المتوفرة في المملكة العربية الإمارات العربية المتحدة؟

هناك نوعان من آلات O2 المتاحة للشراء في المملكة العربية الإمارات العربية المتحدة: الثابتة والمحمولة. الأولى – كما يوحي اسمها – هي أجهزة ثابتة توضع بجوار سرير المريض وتتصل بها عبر قنية وقناع أكسجين. المكثفات الثانية – المكثفات المحمولة ، أو

 مكثفاتالأكسجينالمتنقلة أصغر حجمًا وأخف وزنًا وتسمح بالسفر والتحرك مع الجهاز أثناء تلقي العلاج. تعتبر مكثفات الأكسجين المحمولة أكثر ملاءمة ، على الرغم من أنها باهظة الثمن أكثر من الوحدات الثابتة ، مما يجعلها الخيار المفضل للأشخاص الذين يعانون من مشاكل في الجهاز التنفسي والذين يمكنهم تحمل تكاليفها

ما هي أكبر مزايا مكثف الأكسجين المحمول؟

يُعد مُكثّف الأكسجين المحمول أكثر ملاءمة بشكل ملحوظ من النموذج الثابت لأنه أخف وزناً وأكثر إحكاما بكثير. ناهيك عن المظهر ، وهو موضوع آخر للمناقشة يمكننا الخوض فيه في وقت آخر. في آلة الأكسجين المحمولة ، يركز الفكر الهندسي بشكل أساسي على راحة المريض والأداء نفسه لوحدة ثابتة كاملة النفخ. تركيز الأكسجين (نقاء) جهاز O2 المحمول هو نفس أفضل النماذج الثابتة أداءً (93٪ +). العيب الوحيد هو السعر ، والذي قد يضاعف أحيانًا سعر آلة O2 القياسية أو يضاعفها ثلاث مرات

ما مدى ارتفاع مكثف الأكسجين؟

تصل معظم مكثفات الأكسجين الحديثة إلى طاقتها الكاملة في غضون دقائق قليلة ، وتكون هادئة للغاية أثناء العمل. الفكرة هي تزويد المريض بأنقى تركيز ممكن للأكسجين دون إنتاج ديسيبل عالي وإزعاج نومه

علاوة على ذلك ، تم تجهيز كل مكثف حديث بأجهزة استشعار تعطي مؤشرات في حالة وجود مشكلة بالجهاز. هذه الآلات سهلة التشغيل ، حتى من قبل الأشخاص الذين يواجهون صعوبات في التنقل أو مغادرة السرير

هل تعلم: عند استخدام مُكثّف أوكسجين في المنزل ، فإن كمية الأكسجين في الغرفة لا تتغير

Invacare Perfecto2 V-شراء مكثف الاوكسجين

مركزات الأوكسجين إينوجين – المحمولة (Inogen)

تصنع  مكثفات أكسجين محمولة صغيرة الحجم وخفيفة الوزن مصممة لأنماط الحياة النشطة والاستخدام الخارجي. تأتي الأجهزة مع ضمان مدى الحياة. يتم تسعير المكثفات المحمولة Inogen في حدود 18133.87 دراهم إلى 21409.44 دراهم

Inogen One G3-شراء مكثف الاوكسجين

Philips Respironics – ثابتة

أحد المزايا الرئيسية لآلة الأكسجين المنزلي Philips Respironics هو العدد الكبير من إعدادات تدفق النبض ، وميزات POC والتشغيل الهادئ. على الرغم من اعتبارها “آلة أكسجين محمولة” نظرًا لوزنها الخفيف وعجلاتها ، مما يتيح سهولة النقل في الغرفة ، إلا أن Respironics ليست محمولة بالمعنى الحقيقي. يزن الطراز المحمول أقل بعشر مرات وهو أكثر إحكاما من المكثف الثابت مثل Respironics. تصفح المكثفات المحمولة الحقيقية هنا. بالنسبة لسعره ، فإن Philips Respironics متاحة للشراء في سريلانكا مقابل 5347.97 دراهم إلى 7576.29 دراهم

 Philips Respironics EverFlo-شراء مكثف الاوكسجين


يمكن القول إن Zen-O Lite هو أحد أفضل مُكثفات الأكسجين المحمولة في السوق. هذا الجهاز المحمول الخفيف للغاية من GCE Healthcare خفيف الوزن بشكل ملحوظ وهادئ وصغير الحجم. إنه مصمم لمساعدة المرضى النشطين على العلاج بالأكسجين طويل الأمد في سريلانكا. في الواقع ، Zen-O-Lite صغير جدًا وهادئ لدرجة أن بعض المرضى غالبًا ما ينسون أنه بجانبهم. إذا كنت تبحث عن مُكثّف أوكسجين للسفر يوفر الأكسجين الإضافي أثناء الطيران ، فإن Zen-O-Lite هو الخيار الأفضل للبقاء نشطًا ومستقلًا. من بين الميزات المتميزة الأخرى لجهاز Zen-O Lite O2 ، التعديلات التلقائية ، ووضع العلاج المتجاوب مع المعدل وعمر البطارية الطويل الإضافي. علاوة على ذلك ، تم تصميم هذه الآلة للاستخدام داخل المنزل وخارجه

 GCE Zen-O Lite-شراء مكثف الاوكسجين

Krober Aeroplus and Krober O2

إن أفضل مُكثفات الأوكسجين الألمانية الصنع للبيع في سريلانكا هي طرازات Krober Aeroplus E و Krober O2. سيطر هذان النوعان الأكثر مبيعًا في أوروبا على السوق الأوروبية لعقود حتى الآن ، مما يلبي احتياجات الملايين من مستخدمي O2 المنزليين في جميع أنحاء القارة. تقدم العلامة التجارية الألمانية Krober شيئًا لا توفره معظم العلامات التجارية الأخرى: الموثوقية بأسعار معقولة. تقدم الطرازات 5 LMP (Krober O2) و 6 LPM (Aeroplus) ، مما يلبي احتياجات الغالبية العظمى من مرضى العلاج بالأكسجين في جميع أنحاء العالم. CPAPEUROPA هي الموزع الرسمي لشركة Krober وتزود سريلانكا ومنطقة البنغال على أساس يومي

 Krober- شراء مكثف الاوكسجين


يتم الحصول على أفضل مكثفات الأكسجين من العلامة التجارية الأمريكية DeVilbiss. يتوفر طرازا DeVilbiss 525 و 1025 أيضًا للشحن إلى سريلانكا ، مما يضفي الكمال إلى مستوى آخر. من خلال تقديم اثنين جاهزين لإرضاء حتى أكثر المرضى تطلبًا – 5 LPM و 10 LPM على التوالي – تقدم مكثفات الأكسجين Drive DeVilbiss الحزمة الكاملة. تم تصميم مكثفات الأكسجين المدمجة هذه لتلبية الطلبات العالية للمرضى على العلاج. بالأكسجين وتجاوزها. يوفر Devilbiss 525 صغير الحجم وبأسعار معقولة ما يصل إلى 5 لترات من الأكسجين في الدقيقة عبر جميع معدلات التدفق ، وقد أصبح شائعًا في الولايات المتحدة بسبب بنائه عالي الجودة وتصميمه الصديق للبيئة والموثوقية الشاملة من ناحية أخرى ، فإن DeVilbiss 1025 عبارة عن وحش كامل 10 LPM جاهز لتوصيل ما يصل إلى 10 لترات في الدقيقة بينما يكون مضغوطًا مثل إصدار 5 LPM. تم تصميم آلة O2 هذه خفيفة الوزن للغاية (تزن 19 كجم فقط) وهي واحدة من أكثر مكثفات الأكسجين ضغطًا في السوق حاليًا ، وهي قادرة على توفير كمية كبيرة من الأكسجي


 DeVilbiss شراء مكثف الاوكسجين

كم يكلف مكثف الاوكسجين في الإمارات العربية المتحدة؟

يعتمد ذلك على حالة الوحدة – ستكون آلة الأكسجين المستعملة أقل تكلفة بكثير من آلة جديدة تمامًا. وستكون الطابعة الثابتة أقل تكلفة بكثير من تلك المحمولة. تعتبر العلامة التجارية أيضًا ذات أهمية قصوى عند تحديد السعر. على سبيل المثال ، مُكثّف أوكسجين مصنوع من قبل الشركات المصنعة الرائدة مثل Krober و Devilbiss و Philips Respironics. أغلى من وحدة O2 الصينية المباعة على Alibaba ، على سبيل المثال. عادة ما تكلف مكثفات الأكسجين الجديدة في المملكة العربية الإمارات العربية المتحدة (دبي) نفس تكلفة أوروبا. إذا كانت باهظة الثمن ، فهذا يعني أنك إما تدفع مبلغًا إضافيًا للشحن ، أو أن البائع يفرض عليك رسومًا زائدة

هل مكثفات الأكسجين في الإمارات العربية المتحدة باهظة الثمن؟

إلى حد ما ، نعم. تمامًا مثل أي مكان آخر في العالم. تتراوح أسعار مكثف الأكسجين النموذجي في المملكة العربية الإمارات العربية المتحدة في حدود –
(3917.43-7834.86) درهم.
ولكن المهم هنا هو ملاحظة سبب ارتفاع أسعار مكثفات O2 في SB. مكثفات Оxygen هي أجهزة إلكترونية متطورة ، ناهيك عن كونها معدات طبية متخصصة غالبًا ما تنقذ الأرواح. لذلك من المفهوم تمامًا أنهم يأتون بسعر أعلى. خاصة في زمن جائحة عالمي زاد الطلب على مثل هذه الآلات بشكل هائل!

  من أين تشتري مكثفات الأكسجين في المملكة العربية الإمارات العربية المتحدة

نحن نخدم شبه الجزيرة العربية بأكملها – نشحن آلات أوكسي وأجهزة CPAP وملحقاتها إلى كل مقاطعة في المملكة ونخدم المناطق التالية والمزيد. إذا كنت تبحث عن نموذج معين من مكثف O2 في SB ، فالرجاء عدم التردد في الاتصال بنا
مباشرة والاستفسار. نحن هنا للمساعدة

كيف تختار المكثف المناسب لاحتياجاتك؟

أول شيء يجب مراعاته هو اللترات المحددة في الدقيقة. إذا كان طبيبك قد وصف مكثفًا 5 LMP ، فيمكنك بسهولة استخدام جهاز Philips Respironics أو DeVilbiss 525 أو طراز Krober. ومع ذلك ، إذا كانت الوصفة الخاصة بك تنص على جرعة أعلى ، فيجب أن تبحث عن وحدة5LPM + مثل DeVilbiss .1025 ، والتي ستوفر التدفق المطلوب

نصيحة احترافية: لا تشتري المكثفات الرخيصة المصنوعة في الصين والتي يمكن أن توفر فقط جرعات منخفضة من الأكسجين (أقل من 5 لترات في الدقيقة) ، لأنها غير فعالة للغاية ولا تستحق الاستثمار! ناهيك عن أنها تتعطل كثيرًا وغالبًا ما تكون قطع الغيار غير متوفرة بسبب بنيتها “الفريدة” ولكنها رخيصة الثمن

إذا كنت تفكر في السفر مع جهاز O2 الخاص بك ، فابحث عن طراز محمول وقم بإقرانه بمقياس تأكسج نبضي موثوق للتحقق من مستويات الأكسجين في الدم (التشبع) أثناء التنقل. تأكد من شراء بطاريات إضافية إذا كنت تخطط للسفر بعيدًا عن المنزل لفترة طويلة من الوقت دون التوقف عن العلاج بالأكسجين في دبي

ما هو مكثف تدفق النبض؟

يُطلق على مُركِّزات تدفق النبضات أيضًا مُكثِّفات التدفق المتقطع ويمكن ضبطها لضبط وقت الصعود ومدى سرعة أو بطء توصيل الأكسجين النبضي لمطابقة نمط تنفس المريض. توفر أجهزة تدفق النبض الأكسجين فقط أثناء الاستنشاق ، ولا تنتج شيئًا أثناء الزفير. لا تهدر نماذج Ergo ، توصيل جرعات النبض الأكسجين أثناء التشغيل

ما هو مكثف التدفق المستمر؟

على عكس مركزات التدفق النبضي ، توفر نماذج التدفق المستمر الأكسجين بشكل مستمر باللتر في الدقيقة. يعتمد قرار النموذج الذي يجب الحصول عليه – سواء كان نموذج تدفق النبض أو نموذج التدفق المستمر – على طبيبك والوصفات الطبية الخاصة بك. بالنسبة لمعظم المرضى الذين يعانون من مرض الانسداد الرئوي المزمن ، على سبيل المثال ، ستلبي نماذج تدفق النبض (آلات التدفق المتقطع) احتياجات الأكسجين التكميلية لمعظم المرضى ، لذلك لن تكون هناك حاجة لشراء آلة التدفق المستمر في دبي

ما هي الفوائد الرئيسية للمكثفات الثابتة على الوحدات المحمولة؟

أولاً وقبل كل شيء ، الوحدات الثابتة أقوى بكثير من مكثفات الأكسجين المحمولة. إنها جاهزة للاستخدام فور إخراجها من العلبة ولا تتطلب ملحقات مثل حقائب الحمل أو البطاريات الاحتياطية. وبهذا المعنى ، فإن الطرز الثابتة هي أجهزة قابلة للتوصيل والتشغيل جاهزة لتلبية احتياجات أي مريض ، لا سيما تلك التي تتطلب جرعة عالية من الأكسجين في الدقيقة. لا يوجد مكثف محمول يمكنه توفير 10 LPM مثل DeVilbiss. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، فإن المكثفات المحمولة أغلى بكثير في سريلانكا

.وأماكن أخرى من آلات O2 الثابتة


.للحصول على معلومات حول أسعار الطلبات الجماعية ، اتصل بالرقم 493020931898+  أو ابدأ التسوق عبر الإنترنت


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هل يمكنني اصطحاب مكثف الأكسجين الخاص بي على متن طائرة؟

إذا كانت وحدة محمولة ، نعم.  ينص أساس الإعاقة في السفر الجوي على أن شركات النقل الجوي يجب أن تسمح للركاب الذين يحملون مكثفات أكسجين محمولة على متن الطائرة. طالما أن الجهاز قد تمت الموافقة عليه من قبل إدارة الطيران الفيدرالية (FAA) في الرحلات الجوية. يعد Inogen G3 المدرج في هذا الدليل أحدهم. .مكثفات الثابتة ، بسبب وزنها وحجمها ، غير مسموح بها على متن الطائ

هل تحتاج إلى وصفة طبية لشراء مُكثّف أوكسجين ثابت لسريلانكا؟

نعم. يتم تصنيف الأكسجين الإضافي على أنه علاج طبي يصفه الطبيب. سيصف لك طبيبك في دبي
.معدل تدفق الأكسجين وطول الفترة الزمنية التي يجب أن تستخدم فيها آلة الأكسجين

هل يتم توصيل مكثفات الأكسجين إلى دبي؟

.نعم ، نحن نخدم ونسلم للمقاطعات دبي


مناطق دبي
بر دبي
خليج الأعمال
وسط مدينة دبي
مرسى دبي

oxygen concentrators dubai - shipping and areas of service at CPAPEUROPA

كما نقوم بتسليم المنتجات إلى دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة:

(مدينة أبوظبي (التجمع الرئيسي
أبو الأبيض
جزيرة الأريام
جزيرة اللولو
جزيرة الماريه
جزيرة الريم

مدينة بني ياس
جزيرة دلما
حالة البحراني
جزيرة الجبيل
منطقة خليفة الصناعية
ميناء خليفة
مدينة مصدر
ميناء زايد
جزيرة السعديات
جزيرة ياس

المؤلف: مريم عبد الدايم

Tags: مركزات الأوكوالأسعار, oxygen concentrators uae, united arab emirates, covid-19, medical equpment

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Oxygen Concentrators in Sri Lanka – ஆக்ஸிஜன் இயந்திரங்கள் இலங்கை

Oxygen concentrators Sri Lanka Review and Prices - Short Guide

Oxygen Concentrators Sri Lanka – ஆக்ஸிஜன் இயந்திரங்கள் இலங்கை


Which are the best oxygen concentrators currently available for sale and shipping to Sri Lanka? Today we will cover the most popular home oxygen machines in Sri Lanka and provide a brief overview of their best features as well as their cons. by the end of today’s extended guide, you’ll not only know what would be the best oxygen concentrator for your specific needs, but also from where to get in Sri Lanka.

What is an Oxygen Concentrator and is it available in Sri Lanka?

An oxygen concentrator (also called a home oxygen machine) is an electrically-operated device that produces medical oxygen upon demand. Oxygen concentrators deliver O2 supply to the patient at home or in a hospital setting, with different oxygen purity depending on the model. Oxygen purity can vary in the range of 90%-95.9% for high-efficiency models, which is enough to provide enough oxygen levels to cover the needs of patients with sever respiratory conditions such as COPD or a COVID-19 infection that has affected the lungs.

The other important thing after oxygen purity is the litres per minute of LPM. LPM measures the overall oxygen flow produced by the machine and delivered to the user/patient. LPM often varies in the range of 5LPM to 10 LPM for heavy-duty models.

Oxygen concentrators are available for purchase and delivery to Sri Lanka at CPAPEUROPA.COM. We service the entire country and offer brand new medical-grade O2 machines with certificate and the original manufacturer’s warranty.


Call us for help:

+4930 209 931 898 (English-language customer service only)

1. Inogen Oxygen Concentrators – Portable

Inogen logo oxygen concentrators sri lanka review and prices
Inogen makes compact, lightweight portable oxygen concentrators designed for active lifestyles and outdoor use. The devices comes with a lifetime warranty. Inogen portable concentrators are priced in the range of Rs 956872 to Rs 1148246.


inogen one portable oxygen concentrator 2

Buy Portable Oxygen Concentrator Inogen One G3

2. Philips Respironics – Stationary

Philips Respironics Oxygen Concentrators Sri Lanka Review and prices One of the main pros of the Philips Respironics home oxygen machine is the large number of pulse flow settings, POC’s features and quiet operation. Although deemed a “portable oxygen machine” due to its light weight and wheels, which allow easy relocation in the room, the Respironics is not portable in the true sense. A portable model weighs 10 times less and is much more compact than a stationary concentrator such as the Respironics. Browse true portable concentrators here. As for its price, the Philips Respironics is available for purchase in Sri Lanka for Rs 286826 to Rs 406337.


Philips EverFlo - Home Oxygen System

Buy Philips Respironics EverFlo Stationary Oxygen Concentrator 


3. Invacare – Invacare Perfecto2 V Oxygen Concentrator

Invacare logo - Perfecto 2 Sri Lanka The main pros of the Invacare Perfecto2 V Oxygen Concentrator are its user-friendly interface and easy-to-operate control panel designed with the user in mind. The other popular feature of this home oxygen machine available for Sri Lanka is its easy access to the humidifier bottle and the filter – one of the most important components in any home oxygen device. In addition, the Perfecto 2 boasts relatively low noise levels (just like the Philips Respironics and the Krober O2 model). This means that you can receive oxygen during sleep without being disturbed by the machine’s hum. What’s more, the Perfecto 2 is relatively easy to move around in the room due to its convenient top handle. The devices features pulse- and a proprietary Sensi-Pulse technology.


Invacare Perfecto2 V Oxygen

Buy Invacare Perfecto2 V Oxygen Concentrator


4. GCE Zen-O

GCE heatlhcare logo Sri Lanka ServiceThe Zen-O Lite is arguably one of the best portable oxygen concentrator on the market. This ultra-light portable device from GCE Healthcare is remarkably lightweight, quiet and compact. It is designed to help active patients on long term oxygen therapy in Sri Lanka. In fact, Zen-O-Lite is so small and quiet that some patients often forget it’s by their side. If you’re looking for a travel oxygen concentrator that delivers supplemental oxygen on the fly, then Zen-O-Lite is the best choice to stay active and independent. Among the other premium features of the Zen-O Lite O2 machine are its automatic adjustments, the Rate Responsive Therapy mode and its extra long battery life. What’s more, this machine is designed for use both inside and outside the home.


Zen-o-lite protable oxygen concentrator with carry bag

Buy GCE Zen-O Lite Portable Oxygen Concentrator


5. Krober Aeroplus and Krober O2

Krober logo - oxygen concentrators Sri LankaHands down the best German-made oxygen concentrators for sale in Sri Lanka are the Krober models Aeroplus E and Krober O2. These two European best-sellers have been dominating the European market for decades now, satisfying the needs of millions of home O2 users across the continent. The German brand Krober offers something most other brands do not: reliability at affordable prices. The models offer 5 LMP (Krober O2) and  6 LPM (Aeroplus), satisfying the needs of the vast majority of oxygen therapy patients around the globe. CPAPEUROPA is an official distributor of Krober and supplies Sri Lanka and the Bengal region on a daily basis.


Oxygen concentrator Kroeber O2

6. DeVilbiss

Drive DeVilbiss Logo - Oxygen Concentrators Sri LankaHands down the best oxygen concentrators come from the American brand DeVilbiss. Also available for shipping to Sri Lanka, the DeVilbiss 525 and 1025 models bring perfection to another level. Offering two ready to satisfy even the most demanding patient — 5 LPM and 10 LPM respectively — the Drive DeVilbiss oxygen concentrators offer the full package. These compact oxygen concentrators are designed to meet and exceed the high demands of patients on oxygen therapy. Compact and affordable, the Devilbiss 525 delivers up to 5 litres of oxygen per minute across all flow rates, and has become popular in the USA for its high-quality construction, eco-friendly design and overall reliability. The DeVilbiss 1025 on the other hand is a full-blown 10 LPM beast ready to deliver up to 10L per minute while being as compact as the 5 LPM version. This O2 machine is built extra lightweight (weighing only 19kgs) and is one of the most compact oxygen concentrators currently on the market, capable of delivering high volume oxygen.

Devilbiss Oxygen Concentrator 5 Litre

How to choose the right concentrator for your needs?

The first deciding thing you need to take into account is the prescribed litres per minute. If your doctor has prescribed a 5 LMP concentrator, then you can easily go with a Philips Respironics, a DeVilbiss 525 or a Krober model. However, if your prescription stipulates a higher dosage, then your should seek a 5LPM+ unit like the DeVilbiss 1025, which will provide the required flow.

Pro tip: Do not buy for cheap Chinese-made concentrators that can provide only low doses of oxygen (under 5 LPM), as these are highly inefficient and not worth the investment! Not to mention that they malfunction often and spare parts are often not available due to their ‘unique’ but cheap build.

If you are considering traveling along with your O2 machine, then go for a portable model and pair it with a reliable pulse oximeter to check your blood oxygen levels (saturation) on the go. Be sure to purchase extra batteries if you’re planning on traveling away from home for long period of time without discontinuing your oxygen therapy in Sri Lanka.

What is a pulse flow concentrator?

Pulse flow concentrators are also called intermittent flow concentrators and can be set to adjust the rise time and how quickly or slowly the pulse oxygen is delivered to match the patient’s breathing pattern. Pulse-flow devices only provide oxygen during inhalation, producing nothing during exhalation. Ergo, pulse-dose-delivery models do not waste oxygen while operating.

What is a continuous flow concentrator?

Unlike pulse flow concentrators, continuous flow models deliver oxygen continuously in litres per minute. The decision which model to get — whether a pulse-flow one or a continuous-flow model — depends on your doctor and your prescription. For most patients with COPD, for example, pulse flow models (intermittent flow machines) will meet the supplemental oxygen needs of most patients, so there will be no need to purchase a continuous flow machine in Sri Lanka.

What are the main benefits of stationary concentrators over portable units?

First and foremost, stationary units are much more powerful than portable oxygen concentrators. They are ready for use right out of the box and do not require accessories such as carry bags or spare batteries. In that sense, stationary models are plug-and-play devices ready to cover any patient’s need, especially the ones requiring high dosage of oxygen per minute. No portable concentrator can deliver 10 LPM like the DeVilbiss does. Plus, portable concentrators are much more expensive in Sri Lanka and elsewhere than stationary O2 machines.



For pricing information for bulk orders, call +4930 209 931 898 or get started with shopping online.




Do you need a prescription to buy a stationary oxygen concentrator for Sri Lanka?

Yes. Supplemental oxygen is categorized as medical treatment that is prescribed by a doctor. Your doctor in Sri Lanka will prescribe the oxygen flow rate and the length of time you must use the oxygen machine.

Can I take my oxygen concentrator on an airplane?

If it is a portable unit, yes. The Basis of Disability in Air Travel stipulates that air carriers must allow passengers with portable oxygen concentrators on board as long as the device has been FAA-approved on flights. The Inogen G3 listed in this guide is one of them. Stationary concentrators, due to their weight and bulk, are NOT allowed on airplanes.

Are oxygen concentrators delivered to Sri Lanka?

Oxygen concentrator machines Sri Lanka ஆக்ஸிஜன் இயந்திரங்கள் இலங்கை.

Yes, we service and deliver to the following Sri Lankan provinces:

Central, Eastern, northern, North Western, Sabaragamuwa, Southern, Uva, Western and Sri Lanka.

We service customers in:

  • Kandy
  • Trincomalee
  • Anuradhapura
  • Jaffna
  • Kurunegala
  • Ratnapura
  • Galle
  • Badulla
  • Colombo
  • Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
  • and Colombo.

In addition to Sri Lanka and the Bengal Bay, CPAPEuropa delivers oxygen concentrators to Nepal. For more information, please give us a call at +4930 209 931 898.   


1. Provisional Clinical Practice Guidelines on COVID-19 suspected and confirmed patients.

2. Ministry of Health Sri Lanka.


Tags: ஆக்ஸிஜன் இயந்திரங்கள் இலங்கை, oxygen concentrators sri lanka

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Philips Respironics System One REVIEW: Is It Good?

Philips Respironics System One Review 2020

Philips Respironics System One: Review & Price


One of the most sold out CPAP machines in the US market, the Philips Respironics System One CPAP is a popular sleep apnea device with a huge market share. Today we will look into what made that machine the bestseller it is while providing a brief review of the Philips System One pros and cons. Hold tight, this is going to be short, but epic!

What is Philips Respironics System One?

System One is a standard CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) device boasting effective and comfortable sleep apnoea therapy at home. Among the main benefits of this Philips device is the simple and user friendly and quiet operation. The device features an advanced apnea-detection system monitoring the apnea-hypopnea index through the night, as well leak events, flow and respiratory effort-related arousals (RERAs), which comes handy for sleep specialists to keep track of ongoing therapy. This CPAP is also rather portable (although not specifically a ‘travel cpap‘) and is easy to take along with in carry-on luggage.


Example of Philips Respironics System One Pro

Shop Standard CPAPs

Shop Auto CPAPs

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The Philips Respironics System One is primarily designed with natural sleep in mind, while giving the user a simple and easy-to-understand interface and settings. One of its main pros, though, is its quiet operation and lightweight main body. Humidification options are also available with this Respironics series made and assembled in the USA.


Not as advanced as some of the latest Resmed CPAP machines like the Airsense 11 tailored to a specific therapy type and patient. In addition, to achieve full seal, the user may need to get the proprietary Philips ComfortGel Blue mask, which is something redudant in other leading CPAPs, like the Resmed Airsense 10 Auto, for example. The biggest con? It is discontinued. You cannot order the Philips Respironics System One anymore — at least not from CPAP retailers in Europe and the USA.

The New Resmed Airsense 11 CPAP machine

<<Check out AirSense 11 here>>

How does the Philips Respironics System One CPAP perform?

The overall performance of this device is more than satisfactory as it manages to provide the sleeper with a steady, gentle flow of air as per the prescribed therapy pressure. If you’re looking for a popular CPAP device to keep your airways open, this will do the trick. Add to that the included comfort features such as the Philips C-Flex algorithm, and your needs will be met.

Are there System One Bi-level devices?

In addition to its standard CPAP line, the Respironic System One is also available in a BiPAP version. The BiPAP model delivers two positive pressure levels, including IPA (Inspiratory Positive Airway Pressure) and EPAP (Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure). Choose the BiPAP version if your doctor has prescribed it and if you would benefit from a more comfortable therapy through better adjusted ramp time to help you fall asleep faster.

Are there System One Auto devices?

The System One auto CPAP version is called REMstar and delivers a gradual pressure transition from inhalation to exhalation in order to maintain maximum comfort through the night. As its name suggest, this machine will automatically adjust the airflow to respond to your apneic events and prevent the debilitating obstruction typical of OSA. Another important difference between the standard version and the automatic version is that the auto model is that the auto CPAP can use up about 35-40% less pressure than the standard one.


Respironics System One Auto Review and Prices UK / US

Does the Respironics System One come with a humidifier?

No, the humidifier is an optional and is hence sold separately. So if you are looking to match your Philips CPAP with a compatible humidifier, then the System One Heated Humidifier is your choice. The humidifier analyses the ambient temperature in the room as well as the user’s airflow to provide the optimum humidity through the mask. The working mechanism of this advanced humidification process is called ‘Dry Box’ and is part of the Philips System One Humidity Control. And, it has sensors both inside and outside the humidifier to automatically adjust the humidification according to the room’s ambient temperature.

Is the Philips Respironics System One available for purchase?

No matter how great a CPAP is, there comes a time for its manufacturer to say goodbye to it and make newer, better models. The same goes for the System One, unfortunately. Yes, this CPAP was popular, and innovative, and quiet — but at the end of the day, it was discontinued for newer models like the Philips Dreamstation. So no, this CPAP is no longer available for purchase in 2020 and you should look for alternatives.

Where can you buy a Respironics System One?

If you are really decided to go and find a System One out there, your best choice is probably a second-hand device sold on the popular online shopping sites. Warranty wise, this is not such a great idea as you’ll be left hanging if something bad happens to the Respironics System One.


Respironics System One CPAP + Compatible CPAP Mask
System One Auto CPAP with Humidifier + Compatible CPAP Nasal Mask N30i


Shop Standard CPAPs
Shop Auto CPAPs
Shop BiPAPs
Shop Masks

How much does the Philips Respironics System One cost?

Just like any other leading CPAP, the price of System One depends on two factors: model (CPAP or BiPAP) and humidifer. For example, Respironics System One REMStar Auto CPAP sells for about $600-700 without Humidifier in the USA. With a humidifier, its price usually reaches over $850-900. In Europe you may find sellers that offer System One for about EUR 500-600.

I live in Europe. Can I order Respironics System One here?

If you reside in Europe or elsewhere and even if you somehow find this CPAP still available in 2020, the fact is that not many sellers in the US are authorized to sell and ship Philips Respironics System One outside the US.


You can, however, purchase a brand new CPAP device at CPAP Europa with 2-Business Days Shipping to Europe and a standard 5-7 Days Shipping for the rest of the world.


<< Browse our online CPAP shop for the Newest Philips and Resmed CPAP devices>>

Airsense-11-autoset-China - 机器中国 - In stock - (Available)


Full list of Philips Respironics System One Specifications

  • Enhanced performance and user comfort;
  • Advanced humidification system utilizing different sensors;
  • C-Flex pressure relief technology for added comfort;
  • Very Quiet CPAP for its class;
  • 3 different ‘Smart’ operating modes;
  • Straight CPAP mode;
  • Proprietary Mask Fit technology;
  • Advanced OSA detection and intuitive reporting;
  • Proprietary Dry Box technology.

Philips Respironics System One Specifications

Confer with the Respironics System One manual manual.

Looking for a new CPAP? Look no further than CPAPEuropa. Here you’ll find everything you need for your sleep apnea therapy. Need assistance?  Chat with us! We are here to help you!


Tags: philips, respironics, system one review

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Oxygen Concentrators (Saudi Arabia): Review

Oxygen Concentrators (Saudi Arabia): Review and Prices


With the unique Haji pilgrimage happening right now in Saudi Arabia and the Coronavirus pandemic still ravaging the Arab world, it is only natural that hospitals start looking for medical equipment designed to cope with the raging COVID-19 illness across Western Asia and the Arabian peninsula. One of these medical devices is the oxygen concentrator, which has been used worldwide for patients with both SARS-CoV-2 symptoms but COPD and other respiratory diseases requiring oxygen therapy. Today we will delve into the topic of where to buy an oxygen concentrator in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, providing a brief review of the best concentrators sold in SB, where you can find the best pricing, the fastest shipping and the right O2 machines (stationary or portable) for a particular oxygen treatment. But first things first…

What is an oxygen concentrator?

An oxygen concentrator (also referred to as a home oxygen machine or O2 machine) is a device that is engineered to supply the patient with pure, medical-grade oxygen through an oxygen mask attached to the face. Unlike oxygen bottles–which try to do the same, but, in the end, run out of oxygen and need refilling–oxygen concentrators produce the pure oxygen from the surrounding air – converting the air in the room into pure O2 molecules for breathing.


Oxygen Concentrators Saudi Arabia Review and Pricing

An oxygen concentrator turns air into breathable Oxygen

Buy Oxygen Concentrators – 5 LPM for Saudi Arabia


How many types of oxygen concentrators are available in Saudi Arabia?

There are two types of O2 machines available for purchase in Saudi Arabia: stationary and portable. The first ones–as their name suggests–are stationary devices that are placed next to the patient’s bed and connected to them via an oxygen cannula and mask. The second ones–portable concentrators, or mobile–oxygen concentrators are much smaller and lighter and allow for traveling and moving around with the machine while receiving therapy. Portable oxygen concentrators are much more convenient, although more pricey than the stationary units, making them the preferred choice of people with respiratory problems who can afford them.

Inogen One oxygen concentrator in coronavirus covid 19 response

What are the biggest pros of a portable oxygen concentrator?

A portable oxygen concentrator is significantly more convenient than a stationary model as it is lighter and much, much more compact. Not to mention looks, which is another topic of discussion that we can go into some other time. In a portable oxygen machine the engineering thought is focused primarily on patient convenience and same performance as a full blown stationary unit. The oxygen concentration (purity) of a mobile O2 device is the same as the top performing stationary models (93%+). The only con is the price, which sometimes can double and even triple the price of a standard O2 machine.

How loud is an oxygen concentrator?

Most modern-day oxygen concentrators reach their full capacity in just a few minutes, and are extremely quiet during work. The idea is to provide the patient with the purest possible oxygen concentration without producing high decibels and disturbing their sleep.

What’s more, every modern concentrator is equipped with sensors that give indications in case of a problem with the device. These machines are easy to operate, even by people having difficulties moving around or leaving the bed.


Did you know: When using an oxygen concentrator at home, the amount of oxygen in the room does not change.

Are oxygen concentrators flammable?

How much does an oxygen concentrator cost in Saudi Arabia?

It depends on the condition of the unit – a second hand oxygen machine will be much less expensive than a brand new one. And, a stationary one will be much less expensive than a portable one. The brand is also of the utmost importance when defining the price. For example, an oxygen concentrator made by the leading manufacturers such as Krober, Devilbiss and Philips Respironics. are more expensive than a Chinese O2 unit sold on Alibaba, for example. Brand new oxygen concentrators in Saudi Arabia normally cost the same as in Europe. If they are more expensive, it means that you’re either paying extra for shipping, or you’re being overcharged by the seller.

Portable Oxygen Concentrator INOGEN One G3

Are oxygen concentrators in Saudi Arabia expensive?

Somewhat, yes. Just like anywhere else in the world. Typical oxygen concentrator prices in Saudi Arabia fall in the range of 4000 – 8000 SAD (4000 – 8000ر.س). But what is important here is to note the reason for the prices of O2 concentrators being high in SB. Оxygen concentrators are sophisticated electronic devices, not to mention the fact that they are specialized medical equipment that often saves lives. So it is quite understandable that they come at a higher price. Especially in a time of a global pandemic that increased the demand for such machines tremendously!

Where to buy oxygen concentrators in Saudi Arabia

We service the entire Arabian peninsula – shipping oxy machines, CPAP devices and accessories to every county in the Kingdom and servicing the following areas and more. If you are looking for a specific model of O2 concentrator in SB, please do not hesitate to contact us directly and ask. We are here to help.


To which countries do we ship oxygen concentrators?

CPAPEuropa supplies oxygen concentrators to the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America. In addition to the Arab peninsula, we deliver with Express Shipping to India, the Bengal Bay and Sri Lanka.

Tags: oxygen concentrators saudi arabia review and pricing

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EVOX Oxygen Concentrator REVIEW (India): Is it Good?

EVOX 5L Oxygen Concentrator Review India 2020

EVOX Oxygen Concentrator REVIEW and Price


Often marketed as the best oxygen concentrator in India, the EVOX home oxygen machine is arguably one of the most popular O2 units currently on the Indian market. Today we will look into that and provide a brief review of the EVOX pros and cons. But first things first…

WHAT is EVOX Oxygen Concentrator?

EVOX is a battery operated oxygen concentrator with oxygen purity of 90%-95.9% on 5LPM (litres per minute oxygen flow to the user). The current EVOX version sold in India comes with features such as SmartTouch, LED Display and nebulizer function. It is presented as a dependable and convenient home oxygen machine EVOX, designed for therapeutic use. Just like other standard oxygen concentrators, the EVOX boasts O2 purity indicator, low power consumption (350 Watt) and user safety system. In India, it is sold with a manufacturer warranty of 2 years and is available both new and second hand.


EVOX Oxygen Concentrator REVIEW (India): Is it Good?

Buy Oxygen Concentrators – 5 LPM


The EVOX Oxygen Concentrator is a 5 litres-per-minute unit that is somewhat light weight and robust. It looks OK and delivers what it promises to deliver, that is, pure oxygen for patients wanting to receive oxygen therapy at home instead of at a hospital. The EVOX is a less power consuming machine, with safety protection and weighs 15.5 kg. It comes with castor wheels to allow moving it around in the room and features also a bright LED display with timer options. There are 6 safety protection systems installed in the EVOX O2 and screen auto sleep to conserve energy.

Purity is also pretty good for a budget oxygen concentrator at 93%.


Not as high quality and reliable as the popular oxygen concentrators sold in Europe and the United States, such as the Krober, Devilbiss and Philips Respironics. The warranty is only 2 years, whereas the top European models may come with 3 to 5 years. As for the looks, the EVOX design does not turn heads, being simplistic and somewhat budgety, but, at the end of the day, what matters in an 02 device is its performance, price and warranty, right?

Evox oxygen concentrator review of features.

How much does the EVOX oxygen concentrator cost in India?

The EVOX oxygen concentrator usually goes for ₹ 48,900.00 to ₹ 64,000.00, depending on its condition, seller and marketplace. This model is currently very popular in India, being featured in India Today’s news broadcasts in “How to choose the right oxygen concentator” videos. The reason for the popularity of Chinese-made model is attributed to its low price and availability in India and the Bengal Bay region.

To which countries do we ship oxygen concentrators?

CPAPEuropa supplies oxygen concentrators to the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America. In addition to the India, we deliver with Express Shipping to Saudi Arabia, the Bengal Bay and Sri Lanka.


Looking for the absolute best in home Oxygen Concentrators? Have a look at some of the best reviewed models with a proven track record in Europe and USA. For purchases of large amount of units and more information about shipping to India, do not hesitate to ask CPAPEuropa’s staff via the online chat!  

We are here to help you find the best oxygen concentrator in India according to your personal needs and budget!

Tags: evox oxygen concentrator india review

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Are Portable Oxygen Concentrators Flammable?

Are portable oxygen concentrators flammable?

Although they produce pure oxygen, and oxygen is generally flammable, oxygen concentrators are not more flammable that oxygen bottles, for example; especially when taken care of properly. So long as you follow some basic safety precautions, the risk of fire when using an oxygen concentrator at home is close to zero.

General precautions


  • Do not use aerosol products in the same room as your portable oxygen concentrator. Items like air fresheners, room sprays and mists are generally highly flammable.
  • Do not use flammable liquids in the same room as your oxygen concentrator. These include gasoline cans and other products intended for fueling household appliances like barbeques, etc. Always keep your oxygen therapy equipment away from this type of inflammable products.
  • Don’t use oil-based hand lotions, vapor rubs, or petroleum jelly when using your oxygen cocnentrator.
  • Do not smoke around your oxygen concentrator. It is simply hazardous to do so and putting yourself, your family and pets at great risk of fire. The same goes for alcohol-based hand sanitizers that do not dry quickly after applied to your skin.


Check out our Portable Oxygen concentrators selection and the newest addition – the Inogen ROVE 6 Portable O2 Machine! 


See also: One of the Best Portable Oxygen Concentrators

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CPAPEuropa: The Latest in CPAP & Oxygen Therapy

Cpap and sleep apnea shop. cover photo.

Thank you for visiting our CPAP and oxygen therapy shop. We offer a wide range of CPAP sleep therapy products for sleep apnea patients at the lowest possible prices you can find online. Here you can find everything you’ll ever need to effectively treat your condition, whether it is sleep apnea or HOBB. If are looking for something specific, please e-mail or give us a call and our assistants will contact and help you as soon as possible.

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