The Resmed AirSense 12 Auto CPAP Machine — the newest addition to the Resmed line of premium sleep apnea devices is an impressive feat of design, therapy modes and user interface. At least that is what anyone who has tried a Resmed auto-CPAP might expect when the Air 12 hits the market. It hasn’t done so yet, of course, and it might take another 7-8 years to do so. If you have searched for the AirSense 12 hoping to purchase or pre-order it in 2023, you maybe have meant the latest AirSense 11. Probably the most impressive CPAP created so far. And, the good news is that — unlike the Resmed AirSense 12 — it is in stock and available for purchase!
Available in an COMPLETE bundle here: AirSense 11 AutoSet – The COMPLETE Bundle
Not Airsense 12 but Airsense 11 – the newest release Auto CPAP by the global sleep apnea equipment leader Resmed
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines are used to treat sleep apnea, a condition that causes a person’s airway to collapse while they are asleep, leading to disrupted breathing and snoring.
ResMed is a leading manufacturer of CPAP machines, and its AirSense line of devices is among the most popular on the 2023 market.
In this article, we will compare the ResMed AirSense 11 CPAP device to its predecessor, the AirSense 10 CPAP device, to help you decide which one is right for you.
Design and Appearance
The ResMed AirSense 11 and AirSense 10 devices have a similar appearance, with a white and gray color scheme and a sleek, modern design. However, the AirSense 11 has a larger display screen, which is a touch screen, compared to the AirSense 10’s button-operated display screen. The larger touch screen on the AirSense 11 makes it easier to navigate the settings and adjust the device’s settings.
Performance and Features
Both the ResMed AirSense 11 and AirSense 10 CPAP devices are designed to deliver continuous positive airway pressure to keep your airway open while you sleep. However, the AirSense 11 has several additional features that make it stand out from the AirSense 10.
One of the most significant improvements of the AirSense 11 is its advanced algorithm that automatically adjusts the pressure delivered to the patient throughout the night based on their breathing patterns. This feature, called AutoRamp+, can help users fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, which can lead to better overall sleep quality.
The AirSense 11 also includes an improved heated humidifier system, called HumidAir™, that delivers warm, moist air to the user’s airway, reducing dryness and irritation. This feature can be particularly helpful for users who live in dry or arid climates, or who experience dry mouth or nose from using a CPAP device.
Another feature of the AirSense 11 is its SmartMask+ compatibility, which allows the device to detect and adjust to the type of mask that the user is wearing. This feature can help to optimize the pressure delivery and prevent air leaks, which can be a common problem for CPAP users.
User interfaces
The AirSense 10 prioritized machine strength over user interfaces, but the AirSense 11 has improved in this aspect without compromising on performance. The old, cumbersome scroll wheel has been replaced with a user-friendly full-color touch screen.
With the AirSense 11, there is no need for an SD card to send your results to the cloud as you can access them effortlessly via the MyAir app. Moreover, the AirSense 11 comes with innovative features such as the Personal Therapy Assistant and Care Check-In feature, which help you maintain good CPAP habits. The video guide to getting started with CPAP is an additional benefit to help you make the most of this technology.
Sleep Therapy Algorithms
In addition to the For Her Mode included in the package, the AirSense 11 constantly adapts to your requirements. It even has a feature where it asks you some initial questions to ensure that everything is functioning correctly. The device also boasts of new capabilities, such as remote troubleshooting and air software updates.
Ease of Use
Both the ResMed AirSense 11 and AirSense 10 devices are easy to use, with intuitive controls and a user-friendly interface. However, the AirSense 11’s touch screen display makes it even easier to navigate and adjust the settings, compared to the AirSense 10’s button-operated interface.
The AirSense 11 also includes a built-in modem that can connect to ResMed’s myAir app, allowing users to track their sleep data and get personalized feedback and support. This feature can be particularly helpful for users who are looking to improve their overall sleep quality and manage their sleep apnea.
Noise Level
The ResMed AirSense 11 and AirSense 10 CPAP devices are both designed to be quiet and unobtrusive, with noise levels of around 26 decibels or lower. However, some users have reported that the AirSense 11 is slightly quieter than the AirSense 10, which can be particularly helpful user experience wise, especially for patients who are light sleepers or who share a bed with a partner.
The ResMed AirSense 11 is a newer device and tends to be slightly more expensive than the AirSense 10. However, the additional features and improved performance of the AirSense 11 may be worth the extra cost for users who are looking for a more advanced CPAP device.
Release date
The ResMed AirSense 10 CPAP was released in 2014 while the AirSense 11 was released in October 2021. In that regard the Air 11 is much newer and more advanced that its predecessor.
In conclusion, both the ResMed AirSense 11 and AirSense 10 CPAP devices are high-quality devices that are designed to deliver effective treatment for sleep apnea. However, the AirSense 11 comes with some serious sleep therapy advantages over the 2014 classic that make it the more preferable option of budget is not a problem.
MA devices, also known as Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD), offer several benefits, primarily helping to alleviate snoring and sleep apnea. A study conducted in 2000 on a small sample size of 22 individuals who used MADs over 12 to 30 months found that the devices were effective in treating both conditions, with all participants expressing the desire to continue using them. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners notes that MADs are most beneficial for those with mild to moderate sleep apnea, young people, females, and individuals with a receding jaw structure, as well as those whose sleep apnea improves when sleeping on their side. However, older adults, those with obesity or excess fat around the neck, those with a stiff jaw, individuals with dental conditions like gum disease, and those with central sleep apnea may not experience significant symptom improvement with MADs.
Are there side effects from using mandibular advancement device?
While MADs may help alleviate sleep apnea and snoring symptoms, there are potential side effects to consider. These may include discomfort in the mouth and jaw area, toothache, excess drooling, dry mouth, and gum irritation.
One of the most popular mandibular devices with clinically proven results in mild to moderate sleep apnea cases is the Oniris Mandibular Advancement Device.
MAD vs. CPAP: which is more effective in sleep apnea treatment?
When it comes to treating sleep apnea, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is considered the standard treatment, but some individuals may struggle to adhere to it. In fact, research shows that around 50% of people using CPAP eventually abandon treatment. A review published in the Journal of Thoracic Disease suggests that Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs) can be useful for individuals with mild sleep apnea or those who have difficulty with CPAP treatment. Overall, CPAP is more effective for treating sleep apnea than MADs, but MADs are generally more cost-effective and easier to use, as they are portable, take up less space in the bedroom, produce no noise, and do not require electricity. However, MADs are not effective for everyone, and according to the American Thoracic Society, they are useful for improving symptoms but not for fully controlling sleep apnea. On the other hand, CPAP is more likely to provide immediate relief from sleep apnea symptoms.
Mandibular advancement devices (MADs) offer a practical solution for managing snoring and obstructive sleep apnea with minimal adverse effects, user-friendly design, and cost-effectiveness in comparison to CPAP. Nonetheless, not all individuals may benefit from MADs, particularly those suffering from severe or central sleep apnea. If concerned about possible sleep apnea, seeking medical advice from a doctor or sleep specialist is recommended. Diagnosis of sleep apnea can be confirmed through a sleep study, following which a specialist can offer appropriate treatment alternatives.
Tags: mandibular advancement device vs cpap, do mandibular advancement devices work, mandibular advancement device sleep apnea
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Resmed Airsense 11 هو جهاز CPAP جديد مصمم لعلاج انقطاع النفس النومي ، وهو اضطراب نوم شائع يؤثر على ملايين الأشخاص حول العالم. إنها أحدث إضافة إلى سلسلة Resmed’s Airsense لأجهزة CPAP وتقدم العديد من الميزات الجديدة والتحسينات على سابقاتها.
واحدة من أبرز التحسينات في Airsense 11 هي ميزة AutoRamp + ، والتي تم تصميمها لتسهيل نوم المستخدمين. تعمل هذه الميزة على زيادة ضغط تدفق الهواء تدريجيًا حتى يصل إلى المستوى المحدد ، مما يساعد المستخدمين على التعود على الإحساس بتدفق الهواء وجعله أكثر راحة لهم للنوم.
ميزة أخرى جديدة في Airsense 11 هي اتصال myAir ، والذي يسمح للمستخدمين بتتبع تقدم علاج توقف التنفس أثناء النوم من خلال تطبيق الهاتف المحمول. تتيح هذه الميزة للمستخدمين مراقبة بيانات نومهم ، بما في ذلك درجة AHI (مؤشر انقطاع النفس وقلة التنفس) ، ومعدل تسرب القناع ، وغيرها من المقاييس المهمة ، والتي يمكن أن تساعدهم على إجراء تعديلات على علاجهم وتحسين جودة نومهم بشكل عام.
يتميز Airsense 11 أيضًا بنظام ترطيب محسّن ، مما يساعد على منع الجفاف والتهيج في الممرات الأنفية والحلق. تم تصميم نظام الترطيب ليكون سهل الاستخدام والصيانة ، مع خزان مياه قابل للإزالة يمكن ملؤه وتنظيفه بسهولة.
يأتي Airsense 11 أيضًا مع برنامج AirView من Resmed ، والذي يسمح لمقدمي الرعاية الصحية بمراقبة بيانات علاج مرضاهم عن بُعد وإجراء تعديلات على علاجهم حسب الحاجة. يمكن أن تكون هذه الميزة مفيدة بشكل خاص للمرضى الذين يعيشون في مناطق نائية أو الذين يجدون صعوبة في السفر إلى مواعيد منتظمة مع مقدم الرعاية الصحية الخاص بهم.
من حيث التصميم ، فإن Airsense 11 أنيق ومضغوط ، مع مظهر عصري يتناسب بشكل جيد مع أي غرفة نوم. إنها أيضًا هادئة وفعالة ، مع خوارزميات متقدمة تضبط مستويات الضغط في الوقت الفعلي بناءً على أنماط تنفس المستخدم.
بشكل عام ، يعد Resmed Airsense 11 جهاز CPAP جديدًا مثيرًا للإعجاب يقدم مجموعة من الميزات المتقدمة والتحسينات على سابقاتها. من خلال ميزة AutoRamp + ، واتصال myAir ، ونظام الترطيب المحسن ، وقدرات المراقبة المتقدمة ، فمن المؤكد أنها ستكون خيارًا شائعًا بين مرضى توقف التنفس أثناء النوم ومقدمي الرعاية الصحية على حد سواء.
You purchased the new AirSense 11 and started therapy right away. But you feel something is missing or you’re just wondering how to make your therapy with Air 11 even better? In either case, this brief Airsense 11 accessories guide will show you the many way you can add to your AirSense 11 to make it even better.
It is important to note that while these machines may be less expensive than others, they should still meet the same safety and effectiveness standards as more expensive models. It is also important to consult with a healthcare professional before purchasing a CPAP machine or ask the CPAPeuropa chat support for a professional advice.
Which are the best affordable CPAP machines?
The best affordable CPAP machine is subjective and depends on individual needs and preferences. However, some popular and highly rated affordable models from ResMed include:
ResMed AirSense 10: This is a popular model and considered as one of the best CPAP machines from ResMed. The whisper quiet Air 10 offers advanced features such as AutoRamp, sleep data auto-upload to the Resmed cloud, initial lower pressure and gradually increasing it to the prescribed level. In addition to that, the device features SmartStart, which starts therapy as soon as you breathe into your mask. The AirSense 10 also allows for a heated humidifier, a variety of ramp featuresw, and pressure settings, as well as probably the lowest noise level for a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) device currently available for purchase.
ResMed AirMini: This is a portable and lightweight CPAP machine, making it a great option for those who travel frequently. It has a built-in humidifier and can connect to the AirMini app for tracking therapy and machine settings.
EUR 1,250
ResMed AirCurve 10 Auto: This is a bilevel machine (which are generally more expensive that CPAP machines) that delivers two different pressures according to your personal breathing patterns, one for inhalation and one for exhalation. This machine is suitable for people who have difficulty adjusting to therapy or having trouble falling asleep with a traditional CPAP or APAP machine. Currently, the AirCurve 10 VAuto is the cheapest bipap device money can buy in 2023.
EUR 2,300
Prisma SMART Auto CPAP Machine: another affordable Auto CPAP machine, the Lowenstein Prisma machine is designed for therapy flexibility and comfort for treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). With assistance from the Forced Oscillation Technique (FOT), Prisma reliably distinguishes between obstructive and central apnea. In response to events, the APAP therapy device automatically and continuously adjusts pressure exactly to your needs. Because the APAP modes can be combined with the gentle pressure relief softPAP, Prisma20A offers an unparalleled degree of therapy flexibility and patient comfort.
It’s important to note that the best ResMed CPAP machine for you will depend on your specific needs, ramp pressure, and preferences. It is always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before purchasing a CPAP machine.
All of the automatic positive airway pressure APAP or CPAP devices we carry in our CPAP store are covered by the original manufacturer’s 2 years of warranty.
Which are the best cheap travel CPAP machines?
There are several affordable travel CPAP machines on the market, here are some popular options:
ResMed AirMini: This portable CPAP machine is small and lightweight, making it easy to pack and take with you on trips. It has a built-in humidifier and can connect to the AirMini app for tracking therapy and machine settings.
Transcend 3 MiniCPAP: This is a highly portable CPAP machine that can be powered by both AC and DC power, and can run up to 13 hours on a single battery charge. It has a small size, lightweight, and comes with a travel bag.
3B Medical Lumin CPAP Cleaner: Not a CPAP machine per se, but a device that can sanitize your CPAP mask and tubing in minutes, it can be a great travel companion to clean your CPAP gear on the go.
It’s important to note that these machines may not have all the features of a full-size machine. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before purchasing a travel CPAP machine to ensure that it will meet your needs.
The cheapest Travel CPAP machine in 2023 is hands down the BMC M1 Travel CPAP.
€ 890.00€ 675.00
Should you choose cheap or expensive?
The decision to choose a cheap or expensive CPAP machine depends on your individual needs and budget. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:
Features: More expensive CPAP machines often come with more advanced features such as auto-adjusting pressure, built-in humidifiers, and data tracking capabilities. If these features are important to you, it may be worth investing in a more expensive machine.
Durability: More expensive machines are generally more durable and have a longer lifespan. If you plan to use your machine for several years, it may be worth investing in a more expensive machine.
Customer support: More expensive machines may come with better customer support, including longer warranties and more responsive customer service.
Insurance coverage: It’s important to check with your insurance provider to see what models are covered, sometimes the coverage can be limited to specific brands or models, so it’s good to check before making a purchase.
Budget: It’s always important to consider your budget and whether you can afford a more expensive machine. There are also many affordable options that still meet safety and effectiveness standards.
It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before purchasing a CPAP machine to ensure that it will meet your needs and be covered by your insurance if that’s the case.
How fast will my new CPAP machine arrive?
The delivery time for a new CPAP machine will vary depending on a few factors, such as the supplier you are purchasing from, your location, and the shipping method.
If you’re purchasing a CPAP machine from a supplier that is authorized by the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK and you have been referred to them by a GP or sleep specialist. The supplier will typically work with you to select the appropriate machine, mask, and accessories that meet your needs.
CPAPeuropa will then deliver the equipment and provide you with instructions on how to use the machine, clean it and maintain it. The supplier will also be responsible for servicing and maintaining your equipment.
If you are purchasing a CPAP machine from a private supplier, the delivery time will depend on the supplier’s stock levels and your location. Some suppliers may have the machine in stock and can ship it to you within a few days, while others may need to order the machine from the manufacturer, which can take longer.
It is also important to note that during this time of pandemic, the delivery time may be affected by the shipping and logistics issues. Contacting the supplier directly and asking about their current shipping time is always a good idea.
It’s important to check with the supplier for an estimated delivery time and to confirm that the machine will arrive before you need it. Especially if you are planning to travel or if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and need to start treatment as soon as possible.
We accept Klarna
Happy shopping!
Is buying a second-hand CPAP machine a good idea?
Buying a second-hand CPAP machine can be a cost-effective option, however, it is important to consider a few things before making a purchase:
Sanitation: It’s important to ensure that the machine has been properly sanitized and disinfected before using it. It’s not recommended to use a second-hand machine if you don’t know the previous owner or the history of the machine.
Wear and tear: Second-hand machines may have wear and tear, such as worn out hoses or broken parts. It’s important to check the machine thoroughly before purchasing it to ensure that it is in good working condition.
Age of the machine: CPAP machines have a lifespan of around 5 years, so it’s important to consider the age of the machine before purchasing it. If the machine is close to its end of life, it may not be worth investing in.
Warranty and support: Second-hand machines may not come with a warranty or the original support from the manufacturer. This means that if something goes wrong, you may have to pay for repairs or replacement parts.
Cost-effectiveness: Second-hand machines may be cheaper but if the machine is close to its end of life, it may not be the wisest option in the long run. It’s important to weigh the potential savings of buying a second-hand machine against the potential costs of repairs and replacement parts.
It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before purchasing a second-hand CPAP machine to ensure that it will meet your needs and to check if it’s a safe and viable option for you.
The best cheap CPAP masks are also available at CPAP Store Europa
How to we ship our CPAP devices
We offer several Shipping options for the UK and Ireland, including:
DHL 3-8 Working Days delivery (free for orders of £ 172 and more);
Next-Business Day delivery (cost is determined on your specific location);
Express Worldwide Shipping;
and Economy Select.
Which payment methods are available for the at CPAP store Europa?
To provide the most convenient for our customers from customers shopping experience, we offer a variety of payment methods for the UK.
We accept Credit Card, iDEAL, PayPal, Direct Bank Transfer, Klarna (Pay Now, Monthly Payments, and Buy Now, Pay Later!).
Simply choose your preferred method before placing your order.
We accept Klarna
Happy shopping!
How to buy a CPAP machine on NHS if you are from the UK
If you are in the UK and have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you may be eligible to receive a CPAP machine through the National Health Service (NHS). Here are the general steps to follow to obtain a CPAP machine through the NHS:
Visit your GP (General Practitioner) or a sleep specialist for a diagnosis of sleep apnea.
Your GP or sleep specialist will refer you to a sleep clinic for a sleep study to confirm the diagnosis and determine the appropriate treatment.
If the sleep study confirms the diagnosis of sleep apnea and CPAP therapy is recommended, the sleep clinic will provide you with a prescription for a CPAP machine.
Take the prescription to a supplier that is authorized by the NHS to provide CPAP machines.
The supplier will work with you to select the appropriate machine, mask and accessories that meet your needs.
The supplier will then deliver the equipment and provide you with instructions on how to use the machine, clean it and maintain it.
Your equipment will be serviced and maintained by the supplier.
It is important to note that the above steps may vary slightly depending on the specific area you live in. So it may be a good idea to check with your local health insurance trust or GP for more detailed information on the process.
One of the most popular CPAP sanitizers on the market is SoClean 2. Many sleep apnea patients use the CPAP sanitizer to clean their sleep apnea equipment machines at home. Now that the long-awaited ResMed AirSense 11 is out on the market, sleep apnea patients wonder if they can use it to clean the machine, the tubing or the humidifier with it.
Many of our customer even ask us for a specific SoClean hose adapter for AirSense 11, which connects the two units together. That’s why we decided to write a brief How to use SoClean to clean AirSense 11 article to clarify the matter fir everybody.
But first thing…
SoClean CPAP cleaning device
What is SoClean and how do you use it clean your CPAP machine?
SoClean is one of the most popular sanitizer devices dedicated to cleaning CPAP equipment like CPAPs, humidifiers, hoses, masks and headgear. SoClean is compatible with most CPAPs and BiPAPs out there as well as with mostmasks.
SoClean with AirSense 10 For Her CPAP Device
What is the difference between SoClean, SoClean 2 and SoClean 3?
The difference between SoClean and SoClean2 is that the latter is designed for homeuse and includes automaticfeatures that start the sanitation process on a schedule. There’s even a SoClean Go model that is smaller than the standard model and is designed primarily for travelling with your CPAP equipment. However, the smaller brother of SoClean 2 does not come with the same automatic start features. And then there’s SoClean 3m which is the newest addition to the ozonator line.
SoClean 3
How does SoClean work exactly?
SoClean is marketed as a device that uses ‘activated oxygen’ to clean CPAP equipment. Under activated oxygen they would like to say ‘ozone’ gas but somehow decide to use ‘activated oxygen’ instead. The sanitizer pushes the ozone gas through the tubing and adapter, all the way to the internal parts of the CPAP machine and back to the sanitizer. During the process the ozone gas reacts with the bacteria, fungus, and mold inside the mask, tubing, and reservoir.
How to use SoClean and SoClean 2 to clean AirSense 11?
Well, you don’t. Unless you want to void the ResMed warranty.
The SoClean devices are ozone sanitizers. CPAP-cleaners using ozone gas (or ‘activated oxygen’ as they would like to call it) can be used with ResMed devices, but doing so will void the manufacturer’s 2-year warranty and if your Airsense 11 breaks or experiences structural deterioration or degradation of its internal mechanisms, you’l leither have to cover the repair expenses yourself or buy a brand new CPAP. According to ResMed, ozone-gas cleaners can cause damage to their CPAPs. The company even issued a warning to their customers back in 2020, part of which goes the following:
‘Warranty update: Effective for sales of ResMed products on or after February 1, 2020, ResMed’s limited warranty will exclude damage to ResMed products caused by the use of ozone devices.’
What does Philips have to say about SoClean-type ozonators and warranty?
Just as Resmed has issued a letter to their customers addressing the ozonator-warranty issue with their devices, so does have Philips Respironics. In an official letter responding to a customer’s request for written guidance, the company said that using SoClean on its DreamStation device will not automatically void the warranty, but that Philips “reserves the right to void a warranty if it is determined that the use of SoClean caused a defect for which a device otherwise under warranty was returned.”
So… to clean or not to clean with SoClean?
ResMed is not taking a position on whether you should use an ozone device. That decision is up to you, as the patient, to balance the convenience of using an ozone device versus the likelihood of potential damage to your ResMed equipment. SoClean and SoClean 2 can be used for the purpose of cleaning your AirSense 11, but doing so will voiding the warranty as per Resmed’s official statement.
Is there a cleaner that can be used to clean the new Resmed AirSense 11 without possibly damaging it?
Yes, there is. One such example is yet another popular CPAP sanitizer device among sleep apnea patients — the 3B Lumin CPAP cleaner. The Lumin uses UV-C light to sanitize CPAP equipment at home (and does not use ‘activated oxygen’ or ozone gas). You can see it here.
How to clean and care for your AirSense 11 without damaging it?
It’s actually very easy. The main body of the Air 11 can be cleaned with simple wipes, while the Humidifier, tubing, AirSense 11 masks and mask accessories can be cleaned either with some mild soap and warm water or automatically, in just five minutes using the proper equipment.
Wondering how to properly clean your brand new ResMed AirSense 11 CPAP? Maybe you just started using the brand new white-and-black beauty of a CPAP, but it is already a bit dirty and you want to care for it the right way. Today we will tell you everything you need to know about all the safe ways to clean your CPAP without voiding its warranty or damaging its parts. It actually is really simple. And the benefits from cleaning your expensive CPAP equipment are not only protecting your investment, but also ensuring optimal sleep apnea therapy and general health.
Here’s how you can clean the ResMed AirSense 11 CPAP
Always unplug the machine before cleaning. Important: Ensure all parts are dry before plugging it back in;
Disassemble the humidifier from the main unit (if you initiate the cleaning soon after using your AirSense 11, allow the humidifier to cool before removing it from the AirSense 11);
Open the humidifier tub and discard any remaining water;
Important: do not use hot water when cleaning the AirSense 11 parts. Use warm water instead. The temperature of the water should not exceed 65 C or 149 F.
Do not clean the power cord, especially with water and other liquids.
Be sure to rinse each component thoroughly. When you’re done cleaning the important parts, allow each component to dry out of direct sunlight or direct heat.
When the humidifier, air tubing and outlet connector are dry, you can reassemble the components, re-attaching them to the main AirSense 11 device.
Make sure the outlet connector is correctly aligned when plugging it back to the device. The seal should point directly to the left and the clip pointing forward. You will hear a satisfying click when you plug the connector back into the socket. Connect the air tubing firmly to the connector you just re-attached back the to the AirSense 11 device.
Open the humidifier tub and fill it with distilled water at room temperature. (Do not use tap water to ensure proper functioning of the device and avoid gradual damage over time). Fill the humidifier to the maximal water level mark. Close the tub and insert it back to the device.
You can wipe the exterior of the AirSense 11 device with a clean cloth or CPAP wipes. Needless to say, avoid exposing the device to water.
Remove dirt and dust components using a solution of 1 part household vinegar to 10 parts water;
Regularly inspect the air tubing and humidifier for any cracks or surface damage. Replace them if you find cracks or deterioration.
Regularly check the AirSense 11 air filter and replace it if you find any holes or blockages. The AirSense 11 filter should be otherwise replaced every six months to avoid bacterial or fungal buildup while also ensuring its proper functioning. Replacing the filter is a child’s play: simply remove the cover on the back of the device and remove the dirty filter. Place a new air filter on the designated space on the cover, and place the cover.
Please note: The AirSense 11 air filter is not washable or re-usable, and should be changed when damaged or on schedule every six months.
After all of the components have dried off, assemble the machine carefully. Plug everything back the way you disassembled it, and only then plug the AirSense 11 to its power source. Repeat the procedure weekly to reduce the likelihood of you getting sick while ensuring that you always enjoy cleaner air when using the AirSense 11.
Did you know there are cheap CPAP machines and dedicated CPAP cleaners that do all of the above-mentioned CPAP sanitizing for you? All you have to do is put the CPAP, mask or mask parts in a box, wait for 5 minutes and take them out of the ‘oven’ clean and shiny! WithLumin CPAP Mask and Accessories Cleanerall you need to do is just that — unplug your AirSense 11 from the power supply, put in inside the Lumin, and take it out clean! 3B Lumin CPAP cleaner utilizes UV-C light to kill bacteria, viruses and mold from CPAP equipment in a matter of minutes. You can read more about Lumin and purchase it here.
Hopefully, this AirSense 11 cleaning guide was useful and answered your questions. Should you have any additional questions about maintaining the new ResMed CPAP the right way, please do not hesitate to ask us directly via the chat! We are here to help!
Maybe you just bought the new AirSense 11 but forgot to purchase a compatible mask with it? Or maybe you found that your old CPAP mask needs replacement and you’re in the market for a new mask — whether full-face of nasal — that is fully compatible with Air11. In either case, this brief Airsense 11 mask compatibility user guide will help you decide.
For more details regarding mask compatibility with Air11, please do not hesitate to contact us in the chat or write us an email. Our respiratory team and consultants are here to help!
If you have sleep apnea, you might have heard about adaptive servo-ventilation. What is adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV), though? And how is it used to treat sleep apnea? Today we will answer these question and dive further into the topic of ASV and its implementation in sleep apnea therapy.
Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV) is a type of non-invasive ventilation used to treat patients with central sleep apnea. ASV is also used to treat patients with mixed and complex sleep apnea as well as Cheyne-Stokes. As a central sleep apnea treatment method, ASV dates back to 1998, when it was introduced as a method to treat the condition while continuously monitoring the patient’s breathing pattern.
Sleep apnea is one of the most debilitating modern day sleep disorders. ASV has been widely utilized in treating patients with the central type.
The main pros of adaptive servo-ventilation
Adaptive Servo-Ventilation comes with several pros when applied in the treatment of central sleep apnea. In addition, an ASV device is especially beneficial to patients with complex sleep apneа mainly because of its capability to deliver variable flow upon demand. ASV sleep apnea machines are also used to treat obstructive sleep apneas as well.
Compared to standard PAP devices, ASV machines auto adjust to respond to the sleeper’s changing breathing patterns in the events of central sleep apneas. This helps patients to breathe easier throughout the night and ensure that they are getting an adequate supply of oxygen during therapy.
ASV therapy may not be the most suitable choice of treatment for some patients with symptomatic heart failure. That’s why adaptive servo-ventilation therapy must always be prescribed after proper testing and diagnosis of the particular type of sleep apnea and patient.
ASV treatment is not recommended for patients with the following health conditions:
Chronic hypoventilation;
Moderate to severe chronic COPD;
Restrictive thoracic disease;
Neuromuscular disease;
Chronically elevated partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2);
Arterial blood gas greater than 45 mm Hg.
CPAPs with ASV Modes
Adaptive servo-ventilation is a form of positive airway pressure therapy (PAP). The method automatically adjusts the delivery of air pressure to the patient according to how many pauses in the breathing are detected during sleep.
Sleep apnea devices (CPAP and BiPAP) with ASV modes rely on complex computer algorithms to adjust the pressure throughout the therapy cycle. In that regard, adaptive servo-ventilation “starts” the patient’s breathing only when required. These sleep apnea devices use the same accessories (tubes, masks) as standard non-ASV units.
What differentiates ASV in central sleep apnea treatment–as compared to standard OSA treatment–is its ability to quickly stabilize the breathing pattern and control arterial blood gases. ASV treatment is also more efficient at reducing patient discomfort caused by BiLevel sleep apnea therapy, while delivering the same personalized ventilation.
CPAP and BiPAP Treatment vs ASV
Along with adaptive servo-ventilation, there are two other widely used treatments for sleep apnea: CPAP and BiPAP therapy. These are the most often prescribed treatments for OSA, because they work and actually help the sleep apnea suffer to not only better their nighttime sleep but also completely eliminate the symptoms and improve their general health.
CPAP provides a single continuous pressure therapy while BiPAP provides two separate pressures upon inhalation and exhalation. ASV auto adjustment the pressure setting, and there is no pre-set number of pressures used in addressing central sleep apnea.
CPAP treatment is usually the first treatment prescribed for sleep apnea, then BiPAP. ASV may be considered next if the other treatments don’t prove as effective as usual.
It is of the utmost importance to consult a doctor if you suffer from sleep apnea and require treatment! The decision whether to put you on CPAP, BiPAP or ASV treatment is entirely up to your doctor and proper diagnosis.